Jesus is worthy of Extravagant- Unceasing worship

All over the world there has been an emergence of worship and prayer. 

This unprecedented sprouting of prayer furnaces, is not a result of a concerted human effort, but rather something that can only be explained as a divine transformation of christian practice.

People are burning to host the presence of God and delighting in sustaining sanctuaries of worship.

Some are even described as singing seminaries with prophetic singers and musicians who sing their heart out and craft songs with one purpose in mind:

To minister to God’s heart, and for one simple reason:

Because He is

All unto the Great Harvest before the Day of the Lord. And All unto a time when the nations will be singing

“glory to the righteous one”. 

We are burning ones who take our melodies and instruments to make music that proclaims the beauty of Jesus and His glorious return.